Racing Update


For those who missed the AGM, I would like to introduce myself as this season’s racing Captain. This is a relatively informal role, but my intention is to help members with accessing races, share some of the (quite limited!) race knowledge I’ve acquired over the past seasons and organise a number of club rides throughout the year.

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed a new Excel tab on the volunteering spreadsheet called ‘Target Road & TT Events’. The purpose of the list is to give a flavour of the different relatively local events that are available both for the TT and road race season. The spreadsheet can be edited by anyone and therefore it is open to members to add in any events they have planned as well. There is a tab to put your name if you are riding an event. The hope is to get a group of RRCC riders at a number of events to show off our race craft and wonderful kit! This list is not just limited to race events, so if you have sportive’s/charity rides then please add them in! 

Also, we would love for members who aren’t riders to support members who are and the list will give an idea of what events to go and watch. For example, the Leamington Road Race goes up Frizz Hill out of Wellesbourne 9 times and is therefore a great chance to see local racing action! 

There are links to the entry websites on the events page, but please feel free to contact me if you are looking to enter an event but would like to some advice or get stuck. I am happy to chat through the different options for British Cycling and also how to enter CTT events. For the British Masters Racing Cycling events, Judith Harper will be able to help as she is a member.

Regarding club rides, my intention is to hold one every month, on the second Sunday of the month. These will most likely include a café and are likely to range from 40-60 miles, depending on numbers. I would like to get as many members involved so either we can split into separate groups based on speed or have one group which sticks together, again this would depend on numbers. These rides would be organised through WhatsApp.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Thanks, Ollie